
Geschlecht Frau
Alter 24
Beziehungsstatus Single
Sternzeichen Skorpion

Über mich

Ich suche

Ich suche nach


Hey! I'm Amanda ?

Fun Facts:

  • In my first year of university
  • Love cats
  • Do cheerleading
  • Watch Game of Thrones, Brooklyn 99, and more
  • Slytherin
  • (not about me but Tony Stark deserved better)

    What I'm Looking For:
    A sub/little to talk to, I don't have any friends I can talk to about kink so would be great to have someone :)

    I also want to learn more, so I'm hoping to find a few classes, a mentor or someone willing to show me the ropes (literally). I'm close to my parents and it kinda freaks me out talking to anyone even close to the same age as them, so if I don't reply to you that might be why, sorry! In terms of a relationship, I would only consider under 30s (unless we talk and really click) and it would have to be someone I talked to about non-kink stuff first; trust --> kink conversations

    I want to go to an event over summer, looking for a friend to go with bietet Dir…

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