

Geschlecht Mann
Alter 28
Beziehungsstatus Single
Position/Rolle Bottom
Sternzeichen Krebs

Über mich

Ich suche nach


Hey ppl just learning this site so take it easy! Just a regular guy, like games, rpg and recently end. Just looking generally for someone to take control in any way, I'm just experimenting right now finding what I like. One impressive fact is I can jump a 36" vertical but look closely! It's only a 34 inch vertical in truth. What I'm really saying is I'll give you 2 inches less than you expect :).
Message me and say hi.

Desires and Fantasies
Super submissive but looking for a guy or girl pref more dominant who has similar interests and kinks as me which is basically anything but scat and anything else I'll try once or twice. Biggest turn ons would be chastity, bondage and discipline training.

If you just want to chat and talk then on pm and we can be friends!! bietet Dir…

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icon-wio matty7578 ist mal wieder online, schicke doch einen Gruß
icon-wio matty7578 hat eine Premium-Mitgliedschaft gekauft
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