

Geschlecht Frau Mann
Alter 40 34
Figur Keine Angabe Keine Angabe
Sternzeichen Widder Waage

Über uns

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Words began to come to me again.
They began to wrap around my mind like a silk stocking,
to trickle off the eager tip of my tongue over my lips and down the length of my throat like the remanence of some steamy affair.
This rush of inspiration, this sudden burst of creative abundance...
after such a lengthy mental block, a dry spell if you will,
felt like Christmas eve. Felt like getting off a plane knowing that someone special will be waiting for you at the Airport. It felt like the tingling sensation you get when simply anticipating the one you adore about to touch you. Like looking into there eyes and..

well ok ok lets not make this about love,

I was getting to a point...

I'm an Aries, ENFP, flirtatious, sexy, passionate, romantic,fiercely devoted, faithful, affectionate, patient, nurturing, FUN! and of course SANE!!! But then again, I'm also a little bit of a jerk at times, a little bit cynical at times,a little rough around the edges,and a little bit complicated. Someone that understands what it really means to take life as it comes. Just enjoy what you have while you have it, accept your own mistakes flaws and short comings, chalk it all up to experience and say....

It was good while it lasted.

P.S. Just looking for friends and or Mentors bietet Dir…

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  • 19.03.2019 20:25:06
  • Frau/Mann (40/34)
  • Lacey
icon-wio XxBoi_1derxX hat ein neues Foto hochgeladen
  • 19.03.2019 20:17:42
  • Frau/Mann (40/34)
  • Lacey
  • XxBoi_1derxX
icon-wio XxBoi_1derxX ist beigetreten
  • 19.03.2019 8:30:37
  • Frau/Mann (40/34)
  • Lacey