



Jeder ist willkommen :)


Casual, come as you are! Unless you are naked, then dress up pls






Zusagen 3  

Teilnahme unsicher 6  

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The melting pot for Hamburg’s quirky international people!

A stranger is a friend you haven’t met yet. Let’s grab a few drinks together in a casual friendly setting with kinky Hamburgers and people from the rest of the world and let the conversations flow.


noun /mʌn(t)ʃ/
A munch is a casual social gathering for people involved in or interested in BDSM, kink, or fetishes. No BDSM, kink, or fetish activities take place, however.

What is this Munch?

This Munch intends to offer to Hamburg’s multicultural and unconventional people an occasion to socialize, connect, learn, explore, grow, and to talk about topics like Kinks / BDSM / Fetishes / Trans / Queer / Sex-Positive / Poly or Ethical Non-Monogamous lifestyle or groups.

What is it not?

It is not a play party, a place to hookup or harass anyone, or engage in kinky/ sexual behavior.

Who is it for?

English speaking open-minded people of all nationalities, whether new in Hamburg, just visiting or calling Hamburg home. Whether you are new, experienced, or just curious, you are welcome to join!
Just be 18+ years of age.
It is a perfect place if you are just curious to find out what all these terms mean, without necessarily having to engage in anything.


At a public pub in St. Pauli... exact address will be shared with confirmed participants.


At the moment, we meet on the last Friday of the Month.

We meet at 7pm. To make it easy to talk about kink we start with a specified topic for an hour, followed by introductions at 8pm. You are welcome to suggest future topics. After that hour it is casual open conversation. We have some ice breaker games as well, so depending on the mood, some people can choose to play.

What else should I know?

Boundaries and rules are always important, so here there are some to keep in mind when you participate:

This is an inclusive space for everyone regardless of gender, sex, sexual orientation, identity, social roles, values, beliefs, physical or mental abilities.
We're an international Munch, this means that the main language is English. Please keep the conversation in English, so that everybody can feel included.
This is not a play party, we are not alone in the pub so, please, avoid nudity, and kindly do not play!
Ableism, bodyism, ageism, classism, homophobia/biphobia/transphobia, racism, sexism will not be tolerated.
We ask that attendees treat each other with respect and acceptance, to take responsibility for their own emotional wellbeing, that they don't make contact with anyone attending these events without explicit verbal consent ("can I message you?";) and to avoid any physical contact without explicit verbal consent ("would you like a hug?";) and finally to keep all discussions confidential and not to spread gossip.

Anybody who does not follow the rules or respect other’s boundaries would be asked to leave. Repeat offenders will be black-listed.

Please do not attend the meetup if you're having flu-like symptoms, such as sneezing, coughing or fever. There will be other opportunities to join in the future!

The bartender would be more than happy to indicate to you where the group is seated. Feel free to contact us about anything. We are here for you!

And if you are feeling a bit shy about coming on your own, get in touch and the organizers will introduce you to their friends and make sure you don't stay alone in a corner.

Looking forward to seeing you all ❤️

Sandy (@dad_and_alive).


Mann Kostenlos
Frau Kostenlos
Paar Kostenlos
Non-binary Kostenlos
Trans Kostenlos

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